Oct 15, 2013

In 2006 and again in 2008, we had the unique opportunity to be involved in two very special projects dreamed up by Sharon Kratochvil and Pam Zangrillo, both breast cancer survivors from Darien. 

We felt it was a perfect fit since Ben doesn’t photograph the way people look, he photographs their energy. Ben wanted to show each participant’s light – which is how we came up with the name Faces of Light®.

Ben knew he could show the spirit, hope and emotion of these women so that viewers could connect to their stories.

It's an art exhibit with a message of hope.

The exhibits feature forty-two portraits of breast cancer survivors from the communities of Darien and Greenwich, Connecticut.

Ben donated his time to creating a poster title and design, and photographing the survivors. Each participant is featured in a poster that includes a portrait, medical history and lessons learned.

To view the exhibits in person, visit the Darien Imaging Center in Darien and the Bendheim Cancer Center at Greenwich Hospital.

Click here to see the complete set of 42 posters on our website https://benlarrabee.com/faces-of-light/

The exhibits have made a huge impact within our community and beyond, inspiring women to be vigilant about self-exams and mammograms.

Says Pam Zangrillo, one of the three producers of the Faces of Light exhibit, “I learned that self exams are not to be forgotten. Even after going through breast cancer treatments, I was not doing regular self-exams because I’m so cystic and lumpy.  I can’t tell what I am feeling. As I worked on this project, and read the stories for the Faces of Light® exhibit, I was amazed how many women in our small sample detected their tumors by self exam. I will do regular self exams in addition to mammograms and ultrasounds every six months.”

The exhibits were produced by the Foundation of Light, Inc. in partnership with Ben Larrabee Photography.

Faces of Light® is a grass roots, community based campaign to celebrate survivorship while raising awareness that early detection saves lives and providing hope to those who will have to make this journey. Faces of Light ® is a continuing initiative of the Foundation of Light.

Faces of Light® is a registered trademark of the Foundation of Light, Inc.

Appreciating the Fine Art of Cheese (and Photography)
Joe’s Mac Museum

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