Apr 25, 2016

Last fall we received an email from a recent Gettysburg College graduate and daughter of one of our clients about photography opportunities. As an art history major she had always appreciated the arts and had a particular interest in photography. We saw this as an opportunity for both her and the practice, and invited Caroline Wood to be a six-month intern at Ben Larrabee Photography.

“Prior to my time in the studio I had no formal training in photography, but knew I was extremely curious about the field”, says Caroline. “Throughout my time here, both Ben and Trudie have been fantastic mentors. Not only am I learning about photography as an art, but also as a profession.”

Caroline has been responsible for archiving images, managing social media, working on Ben’s latest book of images and chipping in wherever needed in the studio.

The fact that we have photographed her and her two siblings multiple times over the past twelve years has added richness to the experience for both Caroline and us. “As I work with Ben’s images I can appreciate how much they will mean to the Larrabees’ other clients. I’ve been the focus of Ben’s camera and know the joy of having his photographs of the family I love. Now I see first hand their process and Ben’s passion for photography.”

We love having a recent college graduate in the studio. Caroline brings the fresh perspective of a millennial as well as the can-do attitude of a self starter and inquiring mind. We look forward to the next opportunity to mentor and work with young talent.

Celebrating Fathers 2016
Artist-in-Residence at Darien Library

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